“Fortuna” mode – no strategic element, hold battles soldier numbers are pretty much randomized There are three modes in OCW, and you are not locked into either of it, but it’s recommended to start in the default (Fortuna) mode just to learn how the cut content battles are reinserted into the questline. But that may be moved elsewhere in later versions, as the default Fortuna mode comes with default difficulty. Also, in versions up to 2.6.x, activating a civil war map flag will pop-up a menu to choose OCW difficulty. (Mostly bandit forts, such as Fort Fellhammer on the Pale and Winterhold border, or Treva’s Watch in the Rift). How to tell that OCW is installed: there will be more flags on the civil war maps. (this description section added with OCW 2.6.1 something to read no matter if you installed this mod freshly new, or it was part of some modpack and you haven’t even seen this description yet) That is so until every hold but the final is yours, then the final hold campaign starts and plays as usual. Moreover, the enemy will attempt to invade your faction holds as well, and you’ll be able to thwart it with a city defense battle.

With this mod, after the first Battle of Whiterun you’ll have to win a city battle in every hold you conquer. This mod re-creates the civil war quest-line with the original battles, which were cut from the released game.